Setup 1 (Artio)
Webweaver bow/Craw’s bow
Ancient – Blood, Death, Water (Ice barrage)
• Bring a slayer helmet if ON Task.
• Artio is located in singles+ and you can instantly teleport, if you wish you can bring a 4th protection item such as: Masori chaps or Archers ring, this only gives accuracy.
• You can bring Ancient blighted ice sacks instead of runes and save 2 inventory slots for brews.
• Adjust inventory to where you feel comfortable.
Setup 2 Trio (Callisto)
Webweaver bow/Craw’s bow
Ancient – Blood, Death, Water (Ice barrage)
• Callisto is located in multi, it is not recommended to bring a 4th item.
• If using a freeze alt you can bank the runes and take more supplies.
• Adjust inventory to where you feel comfortable.
Other Information
• It is recommended to have an alt outside so you can instantly teleport/run when you see a pker.